Saturday, August 8, 2020

Am I Plagiarizing An Advanced Infographic

Am I Plagiarizing An Advanced Infographic (16) Have you done a research paper or project before? Then you’re probably no stranger to the concept of plagiarism! It’s something we’re taught to be aware of, scared of, opposed to, andâ€"above all elseâ€"avoid.  We’ve all seen how serious the consequences can be from stories at school and in the news: failing a class paper, being expelled from school, costing a job or money, and more. With so much at stake, the important question arises: how do we prevent it from happening in the first place? The simple answer is citing! That includes providing a full bibliography, and in-text citations (like APA or MLA parenthetical citations), where needed. To help you in your quest to avoid plagiarism, we’ve put together a simple infographic below. Using the flowchart, you can determine if you’re plagiarizing or how to avoid doing so. Feel free to print and share! Looking for citation help? Try . It’s free and easy to create citations in MLA citation format, or to read through our citation guides. Those with an EasyBib Plus subscription get the extra perks of creating citations in APA and other styles, and access to our automatic plagiarism and grammar checker. Check it out today! Worried about your grammar? Try the EasyBib Plus paper checker for suggestions on how to improve your writing and to spot accidental plagiarism before its a problem. Also, refresh your knowledge of the basics with our grammar guides on verbs, what is an adjective, the difference between proper and common nouns, and more!

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